Shipping services

With CIBLEX : handle all your shipments in a blink of an eye!


It’s crucial for your organisation to save time on every shipment, so CIBLEX has devised and designed the most suitable solutions for your needs: shipping software, turnkey workstations and even automatic integration of your orders into our system.



  • CIBLEX Optima on-line : a software program available on that lets you prepare your shipments and print your shipping labels. Optima On-line is a free, easy, fast and secured program.
    • Printing out shipping labels on a desk printer or a thermal one
    • Recipients address book with unlimited entries
    • Listing and history data of your shipments
    • Mulit-user management
    • tracking of your shipments
  • CIBLEX Optima SOFT: a software program installed on your computer that lets you prepare your shipments and print out adhesive shipping labels.
    • Printing out shipping labels
    • Import/Export recipients address files
    • Recipients address book with unlimited entries
    • Listing and history data of your shipments
    • Statistics on your shipments
    • Mass mailing: print out several shipping labels at once
  • CIBLEX Optima PRO: a shipping workstation that includes a computer, a thermal printer and, if necessary, a modem: this is the turnkey solution for managing your shipments.
    • Printing out shipping labels
    • Import/Export recipients address files
    • Recipients address book with unlimited entries
    • Listing and history data of your shipments
    • Statistics on your shipments
    • Mass mailing: print out several shipping labels at once
  • CIBLEX Optima INTEGRAL: this is the solution for automatic management of your shipments. Using your ordering software, this solution lets you automatically generate your labels and shipping orders.
    This really saves you time—you’ll never need to re-enter your shipments into our system again.
    • Import/Export recipients address files
    • Recipients address book with unlimited entries
    • Listing and history data of your shipments
    • Statistics on your shipments
    • Mass mailing: print out several shipping labels at once

CIBLEX Integrated Solutions

  • Following a customised study, CIBLEX installs a solution that interfaces with your ERP, which takes care of your orders and prints out shipping labels.
    • Integration of all EDI formats for the transport market (EDIFACT) or an industry-specific market (XML, INOVERT, GS1, EDIPHARM, EDISANTE…)
    • Integration of daily and one-time orders (one-time pick-ups, appointment requests, etc.)
    • Integration of delivery status during shipments: C Direct



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Consignee service

0 899 02 87 87 (1.35€ per call + 0.34€ per min)

A dedicated number to plan a second delivery after an advice note or track your parcels. (France only)